Time machine:

Automated market maker pool
Asset 148,061 XRP
Asset 227,984 USDC (rrnhCi...1c45Fq)
Trading fee0.1%
Balance36,611,818.09478754 LP XRP/USDC
Currency code03B20F3A7D26D33C6DA3503E5CCE3E67B102D4D2
Created5ヶ月前, 4/20/2024, 6:33:43 PM
Last update17日前, 8/30/2024, 3:51:13 PM
Auction slot
Authorized accountsThere are no additional accounts that are authorized to trade at the discounted fee for this AMM instance.
Discounted fee0.01%
Price12,000 LP XRP/USDC
Time interval21/20
Expiration5ヶ月前, 4/24/2024, 3:47:30 PM
Vote slots
Voter 1r3xoab3FR5m4C7qQnq3Rfk5Z1UZrM8YXC7
Trading fee0.1%
Vote weight54.638%
Created5ヶ月前, 4/20/2024, 6:33:43 PM
Last update17日前, 8/30/2024, 3:51:13 PM

Voter 2rK9VQKjtygux8dW9KxP7KjwD4fATziqPgt
Trading fee0.1%
Vote weight0.135%
Created5ヶ月前, 4/23/2024, 8:15:50 AM
Last update17日前, 8/30/2024, 3:51:13 PM