Time machine:

Automated market maker pool
AMM IDF88FE762F6...11A0E083B5
Asset 184.760664 XRP
Asset 2296 FOO (r3hYnq...PX92YJ)
Trading fee0.577%
Balance158,113.883008419 LP XRP/FOO
Currency code031D4857BE920E5830EF5EC8DD77C29050FCD8F9
Createdhace un mes, 8/8/2024, 10:51:10 AM
Last updatehace un mes, 8/8/2024, 10:52:10 AM
Auction slot
Authorized accountsThere are no additional accounts that are authorized to trade at the discounted fee for this AMM instance.
Discounted fee0.057%
Time interval21/20
Expirationhace un mes, 8/9/2024, 10:51:01 AM
Vote slots
Voter 1rBFVFSuBdwZ9JGNNuMeKpjWEtcZvU5Vj2K
Trading fee1%
Vote weight15.452%
Createdhace un mes, 8/8/2024, 10:51:42 AM

Voter 2rPEyouaCGrRHG7ti6SX74tKiCsaJrQoBJX
Trading fee0.5%
Vote weight84.548%
Createdhace un mes, 8/8/2024, 10:51:10 AM
Last updatehace un mes, 8/8/2024, 10:52:10 AM